Homemade analog synthesizer

November, 2018

Description, Technical means, Video


The idea of this project is to build an homemade synthesizer, on my own. There are 2 main goals that motivate me to do this stuff. The first one, technical one, is to understand and learn a litlle bit more how to make analogic sound.
The second is more about artistic/creation approach: I want to create a sound of my own. So I will create/produce/compose a new song, and play with my homemade instrument. And I like the idea that I will create and control all aspects of my music.

Technical means


The schematic comes from MFOS, which contains lot of information, schematics and PBCs about DIY synthesizers. The major part of information there (if not all) is from Ray Wilson , one of the most influential makers in the DIY synth community.
Here I took the "Sound Lab Mini-Synth" project. I took the schematic and copy it in Altium Designer, then I designed the PCB.
Here are some pictures of my Altium conception:

Screenshot of the PCB conception on Altium

Screenshot of the PCB conception on Altium

PCB & Components

I ordered 5 PCB prototypes at JLC PCB.It was very cheap, and, except some little things (like some holes were not perforated) the quality is very good and professional.
I ordered all my components from Mouser.

Picture of PCB I received from JLCPCB
PCB I received from JLCPCB

Panel and assembly

I made the panel with the help of nice people, and it looks like a simple box: Box of the synth

The final step was to solder components, and assemble the whole thing. It's easy to say it in one line, but it took me a lot of times :) !

Picture of the elements assembly Picture of the elements assembly


And finally I get some sounds :)

I am happy with this project, but I have a loooooot to do to improve the synth! I have way too much wires, the panel is too small and potentiometer are too close, I didn't check the exact size of all my components etc... Maybe this project was too hard for a first try…
But I've learned some stuff, that the most important. And now I'm going into building synth module with a friend, in order to build an entire modular synth !